
I am a new Linux user looking for suggestions on how I can improve my productivity by optimizing my server's setup, consisting of a PC running Ubuntu Server Edition (bionic beaver, headless). The server is running the programs Nextcloud and Jellyfin (Emby Fork).

I like to edit videos with the open source program Davinci Resolve. My idea is to use the server as the main editing/rendering unit since it is running 24/7. Therefor the system must run a GUI. I am considering running this inside a virtual machine, accessed remotely from my primary desktop PC.


  1. 这是一个好的设置吗?
  2. 如果是,您建议使用哪种虚拟化平台?我正在考虑使用KVM或LXC,但是我不确定哪种方法更适合我的用例。
  3. 如何启用远程访问,推荐/标准协议是什么? RDP是否足够?

我想听听您的建议和意见。 问候