


import ballerina/http;
import ballerina/log;

final string EXTRACTOR = "ws://";

@http:WebSocketServiceConfig {
    path: "/api/ws"

service RequestService on new http:Listener(9091) {

  resource function onOpen(http:WebSocketCaller caller) {

        http:WebSocketClient wsClientEp = new(
            {callbackService: ClientService,
            readyOnConnect: false,
            maxFrameSize: 2147483648

        wsClientEp.setAttribute(ASSOCIATED_CONNECTION, caller);
        caller.setAttribute(ASSOCIATED_CONNECTION, wsClientEp);

        var err = wsClientEp->ready();
        if (err is http:WebSocketError) {
            log:printError("Error calling ready on client", err);

    resource function onText(http:WebSocketCaller caller, string text, boolean finalFrame) {

        http:WebSocketClient clientEp = getAssociatedClientEndpoint(caller);
        var err = clientEp->pushText(text, finalFrame);
        if (err is http:WebSocketError) {
            log:printError("Error occurred when sending text message", err);

    resource function onError(http:WebSocketCaller caller, error err) {

       http:WebSocketClient clientEp = getAssociatedClientEndpoint(caller);
       var e = clientEp->close(statusCode = 1011, reason = "Unexpected condition");
       if (e is http:WebSocketError) {
           log:printError("Error occurred when closing the connection", e);
       _ = caller.removeAttribute(ASSOCIATED_CONNECTION);
       log:printError("Unexpected error hence closing the connection", err);

   resource function onClose(http:WebSocketCaller caller, int statusCode, string reason) {

       http:WebSocketClient clientEp = getAssociatedClientEndpoint(caller);
       var err = clientEp->close(statusCode = statusCode, reason = reason);
       if (err is http:WebSocketError) {
           log:printError("Error occurred when closing the connection", err);
       _ = caller.removeAttribute(ASSOCIATED_CONNECTION);

service ClientService = @http:WebSocketServiceConfig {} service {

    resource function onText(http:WebSocketClient caller, string text, boolean finalFrame) {
        http:WebSocketCaller serverEp = getAssociatedServerEndpoint(caller);
        var err = serverEp->pushText(text, finalFrame);
        if (err is http:WebSocketError) {
            log:printError("Error occurred when sending text message", err);

    resource function onError(http:WebSocketClient caller, error err) {
        http:WebSocketCaller serverEp = getAssociatedServerEndpoint(caller);
        var e = serverEp->close(statusCode = 1011, reason = "Unexpected condition");
        if (e is http:WebSocketError) {
            log:printError("Error occurred when closing the connection", err = e);
        _ = caller.removeAttribute(ASSOCIATED_CONNECTION);
        log:printError("Unexpected error hense closing the connection", err);

    resource function onClose(http:WebSocketClient caller, int statusCode, string reason) {
        http:WebSocketCaller serverEp = getAssociatedServerEndpoint(caller);
        var err = serverEp->close(statusCode = statusCode, reason = reason);
            if (err is http:WebSocketError) {
                log:printError("Error occurred when closing the connection", err);
        _ = caller.removeAttribute(ASSOCIATED_CONNECTION);

function getAssociatedClientEndpoint(http:WebSocketCaller ep) returns (http:WebSocketClient) {
    http:WebSocketClient wsClient = <http:WebSocketClient>ep.getAttribute(ASSOCIATED_CONNECTION);
    return wsClient;

function getAssociatedServerEndpoint(http:WebSocketClient ep) returns (http:WebSocketCaller) {
    http:WebSocketCaller wsEndpoint = <http:WebSocketCaller>ep.getAttribute(ASSOCIATED_CONNECTION);
    return wsEndpoint;

我做了以下管道: 客户端->芭蕾舞女演员代理->服务1->芭蕾舞女演员代理->客户端

我想要: 客户端->芭蕾舞女演员代理->服务1->芭蕾舞女演员代理->服务2->芭蕾舞女演员代理->客户端