调试符号(g ++ / clang ++)中缺少QObject类信息

I'm building a Qt project using g++ and debugging with gdb. Recently, I noticed that class info about QObject and all Qt types that derive from it, seem to be absent from my debug symbols. For example, the gdb command ptype QObject results in No symbol "QObject" in current context. Similarly I can't call methods, examine the d_ptr of an instance, or downcast a derived pointer to QObject* inside the debugger. info types does not list any contents from qobject.h.

For derived classes of QObject defined in my own code, I can see my own members just fine but where the base class is listed, it just says <QObject> = {<No data fields>}

Other Qt classes that are declared in public headers, for example QString, are present in the debug symbols. I can't see anything about the declaration of QObject that would make it different.


#include <iostream>
#include <QObject>

int main()
    QObject* spiff = new QObject();

    std::cout << qPrintable(spiff->objectName()) << std::endl;

    return 0;
QT -= gui
CONFIG += debug
SOURCES += main.cpp 


这似乎不受调试级别或优化标志,任何调试符号格式的影响,无论我使用g ++ vs. clang ++还是gdb vs lldb,发行版(在Arch,Ubuntu和minGW-w64上尝试),无论我是否链接到Qt库,是使用调试符号构建的,还是是否启用了漂亮打印功能。
