macOS终端->带有X Forward的ssh centOS-> qemu Debian-键盘/鼠标的行为不正确


  • I am using a Macbook with High Sierra and it's default terminal application + XQuartz
  • I am connected to the remote server running CentOS 7 that acts as a hypervisor
  • I am trying to create a Debian 9 guest with QEMU.


user@macbook $ ssh -Y user@centosserver
user@centosserver $ qemu-img create debian_guest.img 50G
user@centosserver $ qemu-system-x86_64 -hda debian_guest.img -boot d -cdrom debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso -m 4096

When I launch qemu-system-x86_64 command the X11 window appears with the default Debian installation screen (install, memtest, etc.), but I am unable to navigate it. However, the window responds to several keys and allows me to click the menu bar. It ignores arrow-keys and most alpha-numeric.

Is there anything I should configure in X Forward or QEMU? Is it a bug? By the way, the same happened when I tried to connect from Arch Linux several months ago. Unfortunately, I am unable to connect a monitor and keyboard to the hypervisor server itself and I have to manage this remotely.