
I am using np.savetxt for the first time, and I am trying to save two variables (a string and a float) in a file named "trial.csv" as follows:

import numpy as np

RT = 2.76197329736740
key_name = 'space'

# Save data in a CSV file named subj_data_file
np.savetxt("trial.csv", (RT,key_name), delimiter=',', header="RTs,Key_Name")


TypeError: Mismatch between array dtype ('<U32') and format specifier ('%.18e')

I do not understand the meaning of both ('<U32') and ('%.18e'). As a matter of fact, I do not understand how to use fmt when I have floats, integers and strings ...

这是一个简化的示例,但具体来说,我将在“ RTs”列中包含RT值(浮点数),而在另一列“ Key_Name”中具有key_name(浮点数)值。稍后,我将创建更多列,尽管在此示例中我为RT提供了一个值,为key_name提供了一个值,但“ RTs”列中将有更多RT值,而“ Key_Name”列中将有更多键名。