

SimpleXMLElement {#292 ▼
  +"@attributes": array:1 [▶]
  +"channel": SimpleXMLElement {#1013 ▼
    +"title": "title"
    +"link": "https://link.net"
    +"description": "description"
    +"language": "en"
    +"lastBuildDate": "Sun, 05 Jul 2020 12:31:51 GMT"
    +"image": SimpleXMLElement {#607 ▶}
    +"item": array:400 [▼
      0 => SimpleXMLElement {#975 ▶}
      1 => SimpleXMLElement {#1222 ▶}
      2 => SimpleXMLElement {#1223 ▶}

what works for me is $xml->channel which gets me the content of the channel, but adding item afterwards gets me the structure of the items rather than the items themselves.

Is it possible to get the items and their content, such as $xml[0] to get me the content of the first element.


$array = array();
foreach ($xml->channel->item as $item) {
  $array[] = array(


Edit: Added the result of $xml->channel->item

SimpleXMLElement {#1169 ▼
  +"title": SimpleXMLElement {#975}
  +"link": SimpleXMLElement {#1222}
  +"guid": SimpleXMLElement {#1223 ▶}
  +"pubDate": SimpleXMLElement {#1224}
... (other columns)