

  city          id     date  price
0   sh  3910060461  2008-04  19459
1   sh  1210000631  2008-05  16727
2   bj  1210000770  2008-05  12960
3   bj  1210000829  2008-05  14445
4   bj  1210001004  2008-05  16213

How could I convert date columns horizontally and map price into it based on city and id?


  city          id  2008-04  2008-05
0   sh  3910060461  19459.0      NaN
1   sh  1210000631      NaN  16727.0
2   bj  1210000770      NaN  12960.0
3   bj  1210000829      NaN  14445.0
4   bj  1210001004      NaN  16213.0

I try df.pivot_table(columns = 'date', index=['city', 'id'], values = 'price', fill_value ='').reset_index(), but it raises an error:

ValueError: a CategoricalDtype must be passed to perform an update, got CategoricalDtype(categories=[0], ordered=True)