使用GNU C ++编译器和gnuwin32编译Github项目代码的Windows“ make”命令:奇怪的错误

I am trying to compile some code which I have slightly edited from a specific Github project ( https://github.com/CTurt/3DSController/tree/master/PC ) on my Windows device using Mingw32 g++ (the GNU C++ Compiler) and gnuwin32.

我对这些程序还很陌生,但是我相信我已经设法正确安装了它们,因为在命令提示符下键入命令“ make”时肯定可以识别它。但是,由于这些程序之一的不正确的Path规范,可能会出现以下错误。

当我在带有“ Makefile”文件的目录中运行此命令时,遇到以下错误:

process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, uname, ...) failed.
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, uname, ...) failed.
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, uname, ...) failed.

在目录中,创建了一个名为“ build”的空文件夹,但是没有其他迹象表明该过程已完成,因此我认为它失败了。

我再次运行“ make”,这次包括显示所有调试信息的标签。如果有帮助,我将结果放在下面。任何提示或建议,将不胜感激!

 C:\Users\Avery\Downloads\3DSController-master\3DSController-master\PC>make -d
    GNU Make 3.81
    Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
    There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

This program built for i386-pc-mingw32
Reading makefiles...
Reading makefile `makefile'...
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, uname, ...) failed.
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, uname, ...) failed.
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, uname, ...) failed.
Updating makefiles....
 Considering target file `makefile'.
  Looking for an implicit rule for `makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.o'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.c'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.cc'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.cpp'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.p'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.f'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.r'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.s'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.mod'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.sh'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile,v'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile,v'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.o'.
  Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.o'.
   Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.c'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.cc'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.cpp'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.p'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.f'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.r'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.s'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.mod'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.o,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.o,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.o'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.o'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.o'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.o'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.c'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.c'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.y'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.l'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.w'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.w'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.c,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.c,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.c'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.c'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.c'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.c'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.y'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.y'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.y,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.y,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.y'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.y'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.y'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.y'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.l'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.l'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.l,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.l,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.l'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.l'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.l'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.l'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.w'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.w'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.w,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.w,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.w'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.w'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.w'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.w'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.w'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.cc'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.cc'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.cc'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.cc,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.cc'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.cc,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.cc'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.cc'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.cc'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.cc'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.cc'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.cc'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.cpp'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.cpp'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.cpp'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.cpp,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.cpp'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.cpp,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.cpp'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.cpp'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.cpp'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.cpp'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.cpp'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.cpp'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.p'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.p'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.web'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.p,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.p,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.p'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.p'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.p'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.p'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.web'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.web'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.web,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.web,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.web'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.web'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.web'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.web'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.f'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.f'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.r'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.f,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.f,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.f'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.f'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.f'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.f'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.r'.
    Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.r'.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
     Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.l'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.r,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.r,v'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.r'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.r'.
     Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.r'.
     Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.r'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.r'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.s'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.s'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.s,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.s,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.s'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.s'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.s'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.s'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.mod'.
   Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.mod'.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.mod,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.mod,v'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.mod'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.mod'.
    Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.mod'.
    Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.mod'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.c'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.cc'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.cpp'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.p'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.f'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.r'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.s'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Rejecting impossible implicit prerequisite `makefile.mod'.
  Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile'.
  Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.sh'.
  Looking for a rule with intermediate file `makefile.sh'.
   Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.sh'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `makefile.sh,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.sh'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.sh,v'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.sh'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `RCS/makefile.sh'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.sh'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `s.makefile.sh'.
   Trying pattern rule with stem `makefile.sh'.
   Trying implicit prerequisite `SCCS/s.makefile.sh'.
  No implicit rule found for `makefile'.
  Finished prerequisites of target file `makefile'.
 No need to remake target `makefile'.
Updating goal targets....
Considering target file `build'.
 Finished prerequisites of target file `build'.
No need to remake target `build'.
make: `build' is up to date.